High school essay writing prompts
Criminal Justice System Term Paper Topics
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Personality Strengths for a Checkered Career Essay
Personality Strengths for a Checkered Career - Essay Example Indeed in a world where business is no longer insulated from the 21st century globalized competition, being flexible is more of a virtue that is crucial in penetrating the obstacles erected by even the most conservative cultures in history. Noteworthy, ingesting every ideas supplied by nature is in itself detrimental career-wise. Success is determined by how one critically separate useful from non-useful ideas in presented in different circumstances. Through my analytical nature, I have learnt to my voice my opinion whenever necessary, giving well-reasoned out thoughts/feedbacks capable of furthering projects with viable prospects, for organizational ventures are but products of teamwork. While important in organizational wellbeing, Idea Generation is only a single a process that must be augmented by elements. Implementation of such ideas requires strategy/focus. I am more determined than ever to being part of the solution to existing organizational problems by executing the assign r esponsibilities using the best route possible, for innovation is the new, indispensable competition front that any organizations, including my dream destination, cannot do without. Being adaptable to the ever changing circumstances, I am more than certain that I will monitor and adjust/recommend adjustments to organizational plans whenever necessary. Not forgetting the importance of being self-assured, I am more than prepared to motivate colleagues towards believing in themselves and their abilities. Finally, I have tested my resolve to challenges the status quo through innovative ideas, and so come with responsibility. From the very quality of work done to being time conscious, I am more than committed to presenting my commensurable worth in bringing change that the society so needs. Value Addition My education at The Johns Hopkins University, the internships, as well as the experiences in volunteering did help a great deal in equipping me with the professional skills needed as a m arketing researcher. I now consider myself not only a professional, but a responsible individual grounded with certain fundamental work ethics to begin with in any would be destination-organization. Taking responsibility is a much wider concept in organizational growth context, and work ethics is no exception, for the image projected to the public at large depends much on individuals’ responsible decision-making and/or actions summed up together. A marketing executive is a messenger; a messenger with a mission of diverting traffic towards services/products that are in competition for a sliver of potential market. Ethics is, thus, essential in the entire message delivered, which in every sense, must be done in time and within the confines of professional standards. As a foundation of professionalism in this area of service, knowledge is vital. However, it is always never enough as its acquisition is a lifelong process. With all these knowledge, I look forward to a superb caree r where challenges are taken positively and mistakes ingested as learning opportunities but minimized as much as possible. It is important to note that while the delivery of organizational targets may be a priority, doing so at the expense of work ethics
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Civil Liberties: Voting Rights and Equal Representation
Civil Liberties: Voting Rights and Equal Representation One of the misconceptions we face in this country is a thorough understanding of civil liberties as they pertain to voting and representation. Many would believe that a country founded on the ideals of a republic would assuredly guarantee the right to vote for all its citizens. However, the ability to vote as we understand it today, was not initially expressed as an affirmative right in the United States Constitution. A central conflict in our nations brief history has been a battle of ideologies between those who would restrain the rights of others in favor of a slim minority versus those who believe that government should reflect the will of the whole of its citizenry. Access to representation remains relevant today because we do not possess a federal right to vote. The constitution has failed to fulfill the democratic premise most believe is a fundamental right. Our history however, has shown us time and time again that we cannot be trusted to apportion civil liberties under the z eitgeist the constitution was written in. In Federalist Paper 84, Hamilton reasons against the provision of the Bill of Rights citing that the constitution is sufficient in providing liberty through the application of checks and balances (Hughes, 2013). In our recent history, however, there has been an increased movement towards the enactment of voting laws aimed specifically, so it would seem, to restrict or curtail the right to vote. This institutional loophole prevents everyone from receiving the benefits afforded by our system of law. States have also established a long history of disenfranchising individuals convicted of felony crimes for the duration of their sentence and in some states for a period thereafter. In a handful of states, voting can only be restored by a petition to the court or governors office. These circumstances point to the need for a constitutional right to suffrage by means of a voting rights amendment or new act altogether. When the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1786, the legal right to vote was a privilege exclusive to white males who owned property. The ramifications of this design would permeate through the nation for the next eighty years. With the passing of the Naturalization Act in 1790, immigrants of Asian descent were prevented from becoming naturalized citizens. In 1848, the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo declared Mexican nationals living within the territories as United States citizens, while simultaneously imposing voting laws requiring property ownership, English literacy proficiency and other means of discriminatory acts. Following the Civil War and the subsequent abolishment of slavery by the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865, the Southern states sought to perpetuate the economic and social subordination of African Americans through the adoption of the infamous Black Codes (Rossum and Tarr, 2014, p. 50). Congress responded to this overt circumvention through the Civil Rights Act in 18 66 and the Fourteenth Amendment. The Civil Rights Act guaranteed to black citizens the same rights to make and enforce contracts, to inherit, purchase, lease, sell, hold and convey real and personal property and to enjoy the full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of person and property, as is enjoyed by white citizens (Rossum and Tarr, 2014 p. 51). The Fourteenth Amendment expanded constitutional authority to prevent further violations from the states, however, it addressed the issue generally, rather than enumerating the rights detailed in the Civil Rights Act. African American men were afforded the right to vote, if only technically speaking, through the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment in 1870 although they would continue to be disenfranchised by electoral rules and laws such as poll taxes, the so-called Grandfather Clause statutes, as well as comprehension and literacy exams that were passed to make the regulations more restrictive. Concurrently, women were deprived of their right to vote until 1920. The United States continued to deny naturalization to ethnic groups as evidenced by the Supreme Courts rulings in (Takao Ozawa v. United States, 1922) and (Bhagat Singh Thind v. United States, 1923). These blemishes on our nations history are important reminders of our failings in administering equality proportionately. Increasingly since 2008, there has been a nationwide surge in laws aimed at suppressing voting through limitations on early voting, purges of voter rolls, and voter identification laws. Such enactments adversely affect the elderly, and minorities such as African American and Latino voters. In (Shelby County v. Holder, 2013), the Supreme Court ruled that the coverage formula in Section 4(b) of the Voting Rights Act (VRA), which was used to determine the states and political subdivisions subject to Section 5 preclearance, was unconstitutional. While the Court did not invalidate the preclearance mechanism in the Voting Rights Act per se, it effectively halted its use by invalidating the formula that determined which places were subject to the preclearance obligation (Shelby County v. Holder, 2013). Following the invalidation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965s (VRAs) preclearance scheme in Shelby County v. Holder,Section 2 proscribes any voting qualification or prerequisite to voting or standard, practice, or procedure . . . which results in a denial or abridgement of the right of any citizen . . . to vote on account of race or color.Congress added the statutes results language in 1982 to clarify that section 2 violations do not require a showing of intentional discrimination they can be proved by showing discriminatory effect alone.Until recently, circuits have been sharply divided on the appropriate disparate impact test to apply to section 2 vote denial claims (110, No, Stat, codified, C, 2016). Per a Wisconsin federal court in 2014, three hundred thousand registered voters in that state lacked the forms of identification that Republican legislators deemed necessary to cast their ballots (Toobin, 2016). In June 2013, Texas passed (SB 14) which required voters to present one of six acceptable forms of identification to vote in person. Prior to this bill, residents could present voter registration certificates or sign an affidavit if they did not have one of the acceptable forms of identification available to them. Advocacy groups sought an injunction against the enforcement and in (Veasy v. Abbott, 2016), the fifth circuit court of appeals ruled against the bill as it would disproportionately burden black and Hispanic voters, thereby violating the federal Voting Rights Acts ban on racial discrimination in elections. There have been several other cases of the kind and it is likely that we will continue to see an increase of these laws and further discussion. An issue that is not surprisingly on the forefront of everyones minds when it comes to voting rights is the disenfranchisement of those convicted of felony crimes. The Supreme Court ruled in (Richardson v. Ramirez, 1974) that the disenfranchisement of convicted persons was constitutional under Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment which states except for participation in rebellion, or other crime (Rossum and Tarr, 2014 p. 892). However, when considering that obligations have been or are being met while a sentence in being served, convicted felons should be guaranteed to the right to voice their opinion on laws that may very well affect them in their current conditions. Additionally, the disproportionate incarceration of minorities across the nations is further evidence that there is a systematic failure in our systems of law and the ability to impart justice equality. Thirty-four states strip the voting rights of persons convicted of felonies in the past, irrespective if they served probationary periods or prison time. The inability to vote on key legislation or in elections is an additional loss of benefits to convicted persons, it further marginalizes them and does little to reduce recidivism. Those able to freely engage in society and utilize their voice are more able to adapt and cope with the ramifications of their status such as the difficulty to find employment, the inability to work for the federal government, serve in the armed forces or seek political office. Every one of these examples is a reminder of past mistakes, the inability to vote should not be among them. There have been recent surges towards voting restoration laws and the universal right to vote. In 2015, (HR 1459), the Democracy Restoration Act was re-introduced and subsequently referred to committee. Also, introduced in 2015, the Civil Rights Voting Restoration Act (S 457) and the Baltimore Act (S 1610), call for the restoration of voting privileges for those who have completed their prison terms. The creation of the Presidential Commission on Election Administration seeks to address some of the symptoms of the problems with our elections. But is cannot remedy the issue itself. This push towards access to the ballot reinforces the need for basic voting standards through the building of legislative protections for inclusive participation in our democracy. What is inherently germane to the issue is the need for an act guaranteeing a universal right to vote for all Americans. Only then would we truly have a democracy that is representative of all its people without preclusions thereo f. A country that prides itself on its democratic principles should provide such voting standards, for its rich culture, its people, and its future. References Bush v. Gore. (n.d.). Oyez. Retrieved February 5, 2017, from https://www.oyez.org/cases/2000/00-949 Green, John. [Tinkers Thinkers]. (2014, February 18). The Constitution, the Articles, and Federalism Crash Course US History #8. [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/JHu6yTDflL4. Hughes, Keith. (2013, September 13). The Federalist Papers Explained. [Video File]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9lCkWJ72yE. Hughes, Keith. (2014, October 9). The 19th Amendment Explained: The Constitution for Dummies. [Video File]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/Qf7wX8yc1ws. Katzenbach v. Morgan. (n.d.). Oyez. Retrieved February 5, 2017, from https://www.oyez.org/cases/1965/847 Minor v. United States. (n.d.). Oyez. Retrieved February 5, 2017, from https://www.oyez.org/cases/1969/189 Rossum, R. A., Tarr, G. A. (9th ed.) (2014). American constitutional law: The bill of rights and subsequent amendments (Volume II).Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. Shelby County v. Holder. (2013). Retrieved February 11, 2017, from Civil Rights, Retrieved from https://www.civilrights.org/shelby-county-v-holder.html?referrer=https://www.google.com/ Shelby County v. Holder. (n.d.). Oyez. Retrieved February 11, 2017, from https://www.oyez.org/cases/2012/12-96 Toobin, J. (2016, December 12). Jeffrey Toobin. The New Yorker. Retrieved from http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/12/12/the-real-voting-scandal-of-2016 Women in the British War Effort: 1914-1918 Women in the British War Effort: 1914-1918 Assess the extent of the contribution made by women to the British war effort 1914-18. When discussing World War One, one point that is often brought up is the contribution women made to the British war effort. It is clear that many women contributed to the war effort, be it through volunteering or working in factories to produce bombs and shells. Women were called to help through requests printed in newspapers, and hundreds enthusiastically volunteered to care for those who were sick or injured.[1] It is often thought that many women jumped at the opportunity to help their country during the war, either due to their patriotism or because of the many new opportunities that were now opening up to them. It is often thought that the contributions that women made to the war effort eventually led to female suffrage in 1918. Though the right to vote was limited to women over the age of thirty, it was seen as a large step forward towards gender equality at the time by many. However, the question remains: what contributions did women make to the British war effort that led to this? This essay shall explore the many different ways in which women contributed to the war, from manual labour to domestic chores. Regardless of the roles they played, many historians agree that the contributions that women made to the British war effort was vital in ensuring victory. As World War One was the first instance of total war, a joint effort by both men and women on the front lines and back home was needed in order to succeed. It is often interpreted that the situation of women during the war was simple. Gail Braybon explains that it is a common misconception that women took over mens jobs during the war, and because of the work they did they were rewarded with the vote; the reality, however, is more complicated.[2] He states that in order to understand women during this period, one must à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ consider women both as subjects, and as objects of pity, derision, hostility or admiration.[3] Alan G. V. Simmonds agrees with this, stating that historians are presented with many uncertainties when it comes to studying working women during the war.[4] Indeed, exploring this area of history does prov e to have challenges, from inaccurate government figures and the many different experiences that the war brought. Even then, it is agreed by many scholars that the contribution made by women to the British war effort was of high importance for many different reasons. When discussing the role of women during the First World War, many immediately think of those who volunteered to help with the sick and wounded during the war. The Voluntary Aid Detachments, also known as the VAD, was founded in 1909 and were a group of untrained nurses who assisted trained nurses by caring for patients. According to Anne Summers, the VADs have been portrayed as the epitome of enthusiasm, dedication and efficiency[5], and between 1914 and 1919 at least 32,000 women served as military nurses.[6] While the VADs were not permitted to ride to the front lines in order to treat wounded soldiers, many were sent abroad in order to serve at British bases; one of the most well-known was in Calais. Despite this, many VADs remained in Britain. The VADs were seen as highly important during war-time Britain, as they were needed in large numbers and quickly.[7] It is often thought that a vast majority of those who volunteered to be part of the VAD were from middle- or upper-class b ackgrounds, and while this is true, it is important to note that a large flux of working class women joined the VAD towards the end of the war.[8] The contribution that the VADs made towards the British war effort, in the end, was extremely important. It is argued that they were so important that they were often compared to volunteer soldiers,[9] which at the time would have increased patriotism in many. This comparison between soldiers and VADs is extremely important in showing how much these women contributed towards the British war effort; that is, arguably, if the comparison had not been made then it would be safe to assume that the role women played was not of great importance in comparison to the men. Therefore, from this is can be proposed that the contribution that the VADs made to the British war effort was very important. Alongside the VADs, there were other important volunteer groups set up during the war. The Womens Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC), later renamed Queen Marys Auxiliary Corps, were a group of women who were attached to the army that was founded in 1917. It was founded in order to help solve the issue of providing manpower for the army,[10] though it was not taken very serious, especially by men. This was due to how, according to Gould, The idea of women performing military serviceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ was both disturbing and offensive to many peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.[11] Women were not expected to partake in activities such as this, which is why the WAAC was not taken seriously when it was founded. Even in 1907, when preparations for war were already underway, women were not expected to join the Territorial and Reserves Force, which aimed to train people to defend Britain against invasion.[12] Due to how they were not harshly disciplined and were not expected to fight like men were, it can be disp uted that the WAAC did not necessarily contribute much to the war effort in comparison to the VADs and munitionettes. Other organizations, such as the Womens Royal Air Force (WRAF) and the Womens Land Army (WLA) were set up in 1918 and 1917 respectively in an attempt to get women to do their part. The WLA aimed to get more labour onto the fields in order to produce good harvests during the war and take over from men who had been called to join the army. Around 5,500 women applied by April 1917 and 45,000 women volunteered by the end of the war, only 23,000 women actually worked due to the reluctance for farmers.[13] By volunteering for the WLA, women were able to help with food produce as well as have a sense of patriotism. As food is a necessity, it can therefore be argued that this contribution was important. Without the WLA it is possible that rationing in Britain would have been worse. That being said, as so many women were turned away it can be said that perhaps the need for fa rmers was not as drastic as initially thought. Regardless, this contribution can still be seen as important due to the necessity for food. Another key role that is often discussed alongside the topic of womens contributions to the British war effort is women at work, especially the factory workers who were also known as the munitionettes. According to Angela Woollacott, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ women munition workers received public acclamation for their part in the war effort.[14] Working in munitions factories was extremely dangerous due to the high risks of injury and accidents, and it was because of this that many women involved in these accidents received the Order of the British Empire after the war.[15] While the middle- and upper-classes tended to volunteer as nurses, a vast majority of women who worked in munitions factories were working class women who had to make a living in order to keep their families fed. After the Shell Scandal of 1915, there a greater focus on producing munitions for the war. Due to this, the number of workers who worked in industries classed under munitions increased; for example, in 1914 170,00 0 women worked in the metal industry, though this increased to 594,000 by 1918.[16] Other industries appeared to experience a decrease in workers as women changed occupations to be of more use to the war effort, such as clothing and textiles. Alongside this, many factories turned to making munitions in an attempt to help with the war effort. For example, Woollacott mentions that a tobacco factory began making shells whilst a gramophone factory turned to making shell-fuses.[17] However, working in industry did not come without backlash. It is often thought that women replaced men, and this belief was strong during the war. In The Aberdare Leader, an article about a brawl between two women stated that Women have replaced men in many a walk of life since the out- break of the warà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.[18] This belief that women had replaced the men who had gone off to war was fairly common during this period, and women were often reminded that their jobs were only temporary. Deborah Throm wr ites that the number of women who joined the workforce replacing men is questionable,[19] mainly due to the lack of official figures that support this view. Women were also excluded from certain jobs, such as coal-mining and dock work, meaning that it is impossible for women to have replaced men in the workforce during this period.[20] Regardless, the contribution women made to industry during the war is quite important, especially when one considers the Shell Scandal of 1915. With women working in munitions factories, the possibility of another crisis happening had decreased, and even then they were working in a dangerous environment that saw thousands of injuries and fatalities. Alongside working in factories and volunteering, women were also expected to keep performing their regular domestic duties. This resulted in a double burden, meaning that many married women had to work in order to feed their family as well as care for said family when they were not working. In some cases, it was noted that some women had barely six hours sleep due to her duties at home and at work. [21]It was important that women kept the homefires burning and acted as though everything was normally back home, mainly due to the fear that fathers and sons would not make it back home. During the war married women were expected to leave their jobs in order to look after their family, though not many wanted to or could afford to.[22] Many middle- and upper-class women were in the position where they could afford to leave work, thought the working-class could not. Therefore, regardless of whether they were in employment or not, women were expected to look after the home as though was had not happened. Alongside this, many women did all they could to ensure that they could help those on the front lines. Watson mentions that during the war many women adopted prisoners of war and sent them letters.[23] Homemade goods such as knitted mufflers and socks were also sent to men on the front lines, alongside chocolate and cigarettes, as a form of comfort and a reminder of home.[24] This was quite an important contribution towards the war effort. This is because, by doing this, it was believed that goods from home would increase morality for the men who were fighting on the front lines. Women also tried to persuade men into joining the war through the White Feather Movement. While in some cases this can be seen as cruel, women would bestow men who were not at war with a white feather to show their cowardice. To some this may have encouraged them to enrol before conscription was introduced, though to others who may have received them it would have been unfair, mainly due to in visible disabilities that may have prevented them from enrolling. Nevertheless, the White Feather Movement during the war would not have contributed to much long-term. Womens domestic roles, however, was an extremely important contribution that kept the illusion that everything was normal afloat. Therefore, it can be argued that womens contributions to the home was important for the war effort, even as important as the munition workers and those in employment. The overall contributions that women made to the British war effort were extremely important, both in helping those abroad as well as those back home. Despite the fact that many people were still prejudiced against women working outside of their normal occupations, such as nursing and sewing,[25] it is undeniable that the overall contributions women made to the British war effort was of high importance. Women workers and those who volunteered during the war were, arguably, the most important when it came to contributions, due to the overall impact and contributions that they made. With VADs helping the sick and munition workers making shells and bombs for the army, it is understandable why women were praised considerably during the war despite initial prejudice. Their hard work during the war it why many say that it led to women gaining the right to vote. While this is still somewhere debates amongst historians, it is somewhat clear that their hard work had some role in ensuring wome n suffrage. All women were seen as having an important role at home and abroad during the war, be it volunteering or simply looking after the home. The contributions that women made to the British war effort are important in the sense that it helped women experience a new life, for example working in areas that they may not have worked in before, as well as help the war effort as a whole; to undermine womens contributions is, in a way, to undermine an entire part of the war. Bibliography: Primary Sources: The Aberdare Leader, 29th June 1918, National Library of Wales. Secondary Sources: Beddoe, Deirdre. Back to Home and Duty: Women Between the Wars 1918-1939, London, 1989. Constantine, Stephen, Kirby, Maurice W and Rose, Mary B. The First World War in British History, Great Britain, 1995. Gowdy-Wygant, Cecilia. Cultivating Victory: The Womens Land Army and the Victory Garden, Pittsburgh, 2013. Higonnet, Margaret Randolph, Jenson, Jane, Michel, Sonya and Weitz, Margaret Collins. Behind the Lines: Gender and the Two World Wars, New Haven and London, 1987. Marwick, Arthur. The Deluge, Hampshire, 2006. Simmonds, Alan G.V. Britain and World War One, Oxon, 2012. Summers, Anne. Angels and Citizens, Newbury, 2000. Wall, Richard and Winter, Jay. The Upheaval of War, Cambridge, 1988. Watson, Janet S. K. Khaki Girls, VADs, and Tommys Sisters: Gender and Class in First World War Britain, The International History Review, Vol. 19, No. 1, Feb 1997, pp. 32-51. Woollacott, Angela. On Her Their Lives Depend, California, 1994. [1] Gould, Jenny. Womens Military Service in First World War Britain in Behind the Lines: Gender and the Two World Wars, Higonnet, Margaret Randolph, Jenson, Jane, Michel, Sonya and Weitz, Margaret Collins (eds.), p. 116. [2] Braybon, Gail. Women and the War in The First World War in British History, Constantine, Stephen, Kirby, Maurice W and Rose, Mary B (eds.), p. 141. [3] Braybon, Gail. Women and the War in The First World War in British History, Constantine, Stephen, Kirby, Maurice W and Rose, Mary B (eds.), p. 141. [4] Simmonds, Alan G. V. Britain and World War One, p. 129. [5] Summers, Anne. Angels and Citizens, p. 227. [6] Summers, Anne. Angels and Citizens, p. 231. [7] Summers, Anne. Angels and Citizens, p. 232. [8] Watson, Janet S. K. Khaki Girls, VADs, and Tommys Sisters: Gender and Class in First World War Britain, The International History Review, p. 33. [9] Watson, Janet S. K. Khaki Girls, VADs, and Tommys Sisters: Gender and Class in First World War Britain, The International History Review, p. 34. [10] Gould, Jenny. Womens Military Service in First World War Britain in Behind the Lines: Gender and the Two World Wars, p. 114. [11] Gould, Jenny. Womens Military Service in First World War Britain in Behind the Lines: Gender and the Two World Wars, p. 117. [12] Gould, Jenny. Womens Military Service in First World War Britain in Behind the Lines: Gender and the Two World Wars, p. 115. [13] Gowdy-Wygant, Cecilia. Cultivating Victory: The Womens Land Army and the Victory Garden, p. 40. [14] Woollacott, Angela. On Her Their Lives Depend, p. 8. [15] Woollacott, Angela. On Her Their Lives Depend, p. 8. [16] Woollacott, Angela. On Her Their Lives Depend, p. 25. [17] Woollacott, Angela. On Her Their Lives Depend, p. 28. [18] The Aberdare Leader, 29th June 1918, p. 8. [19] Deborah Throm. Women and Work in Wartime Britain in The Upheaval of War, Wall, Richard and Winter, Jay, p. 308. [20] Braybon, Gail. Women and the War in The First World War in British History, Constantine, Stephen, Kirby, Maurice W and Rose, Mary B (eds.), p. 150. [21] Warwick, Arthur. The Deluge, p. 154. [22] Woollacott, Angela. On Her Their Lives Depend, p. 152. [23] Watson, Janet S. K. Khaki Girls, VADs, and Tommys Sisters: Gender and Class in First World War Britain, The International History Review, p.p. 36-7. [24] Watson, Janet S. K. Khaki Girls, VADs, and Tommys Sisters: Gender and Class in First World War Britain, The International History Review, p. 37. [25] Gould, Jenny. Womens Military Service in First World War Britain in Behind the Lines: Gender and the Two World Wars, p. 118.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Awakening :: essays research papers
The Awakening      In the novella The Awakening by Kate Chopin, two supporting characters, Madame Ratignolle and Mademoiselle Reisz, represent two distinctively different females of the Victorian Age. Madame Ratignolle serves as society's idea of the ideal woman. 'There [is] nothing subtle or hidden about her charms; her beauty [is] all there, flaming and apparent: the spun-gold hair that [neither] comb nor confining pen could restrain; the blue eyes that [are] like nothing but sapphires; two lips that pout, that [are] so red one could think of cherries or some other delicious crimson fruit in looking at them.'; Her beauty is complemented by her extreme devotion to her family. They come first in her life. She is the quintessential mother-woman. '[Mother-women] [are] women who idolized their children, [worship] their husbands, and [esteem] it a holy privilege to efface themselves as individuals and grow wings as ministering angels.'; She gave up her individuality by taking marriage v ows and became one half of the Ratignolle family. 'The Ratignolles understood each other perfectly. If ever a fusion of two human beings into one has ever been accomplished on this sphere it [is] surely this union.'; Madame Ratignolle has surrendered to her husband's world as proper wives at the time were expected to do. She obeys her husband and assumes the responsibility of keeping him satisfied. 'She would not consent to remain with Edna [when] Monsieur Ratignolle was alone, [because] he detested above all things being alone.';      While Madame Ratignolle is the ideal Victorian woman, Mademoiselle Reisz is 'a disagreeable little woman, no longer young, who [quarrels] with almost everyone, owing to a temper which [is] self-assertive and a disposition to trample on the rights of others.'; When Edna asks the proprietor of the neighborhood grocery store if he knew where Mademoiselle Reisz had moved, the man answers that 'he [thanks] heaven that she had left the neighborhood, and was equally thankful that he did not know where she had gone.'; Mademoiselle Reisz is in no way the beautiful Aphrodite that Madame Ratignolle is. She is an old woman who is past her physical prime, although the reader gets the impression that, during her prime, her looks still left something to be desired. The community snickers at her because she wears 'false hair'; has poor taste in fashion. Mademoiselle Reisz has always lived on the top floors of apartment buildings, which takes her far away from reality and the prob lems of others.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Parents Are Best Teachers or Role Models Essay
Parenting is one of the most difficult and challenging tasks especially in this present generation. Parents play a very important role in the upbringing of children. They are the first and earliest teachers for the children. I myself as a parent must admit that my son behaves best when I attend to him the most. Though he’s just three years old yet I find that his behaviour is far better when I spend quality and quantity time with him. Parents have the capability of influencing and leading the child from the first day they are born until the age of 18 by being a role model. In other words, parents are the best teachers. Parents teach how to speak, how to behave, the basic etiquettes etc. thus help the child to grow into a morally responsible and sound individual. All the complications, challenges, barriers, obstacles a child encounters in her or his childhood can be overcome if it is correctly approached through their parents. No matter how hard the professional teachers in school strive, to rectify or mould the child, the child’s best place for correction is at home i. e. with the parents. In spite of the fact that teachers play a vital role in child’s life, it is equally important to note that parental leadership supersedes all. The nature’s bond, love and understanding between the child and the parent are so strong that the child can relate to the parents more effectively and they can lead the child to the correct path whenever he or she is wrong. This is equally applicable in academics as well. A child with a parental support and teaching performs far better than a child without it. A child is easily motivated in class when the parents are regularly checking their books and attending to academics. On the other hand, a child without support even if intelligent might not perform so well. Nevertheless, not all parents are best teachers. A parent controlling the child by beating him or her up or using some other negative reinforcement will certainly make the child lose the trust in parents thus weaken the parent-child bond. Similarly, parents with some bad habits will definitely harm the child if they do not give a right role model image to the child. So, it is extremely important that parents must learn to be role model for the child thus leading them by good examples. Besides, parents must also keep up their dedication by being a guiding spirit to their children and supporting them to be great individuals, as they are the assets of the future generation.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Emergency nursing
Speaking about the Emergency nursing, we should take into account the role of the emergency nurse in the modern hospital and to take into account the most widespread mistakes, done by the nurses in the emergency department. Also, to analyze the causes of these mistakes. To begin with, emergency nurse is usually the first person, meeting the patient in the hospital. Due to the triage system it is the nurse, who decide, according to the type of the injury, to what kind of doctor the patient should be sent. Sometimes nurses in the emergency department do play a role of the doctor as well –they can prescribe some kind of medicines and to give them to the patient. The kind of mistake in this case can be like this: 1.  Wrong diagnose. 2.  Non –well-organized work of the staff. As to the second one, here can be shown the episode from one of the hospitals, where the mistake was done according to the miscommunication of two nurses. A 50-year-old man with new atrial fibrillation was placed on a diltiazem drip in the emergency department for rate control. After arriving at the cardiac care unit (CCU), he was noted to be hypotensive and a saline bolus was ordered. The nurse asked a coworker to get her a bag of saline and went to check on another patient. When she returned to the first patient’s bedside, she noticed that an intravenous (IV) bag was already hanging from the IV pole, and thought that her coworker must have placed the saline bag there. Believing the patient required a rapid saline infusion, she opened the IV up, and the solution infused in rapidly. At that moment, her coworker arrived with the 500 cc saline bag, which caused the patient’s nurse to realize, in horror, that she had given the patient an IV bolus of more than 300 mg of diltiazem. The patient suffered severe bradycardia, which required temporary transvenous pacemaker placement and calcium infusion. Luckily, there was no permanent harm. The commentary to this case was given by Mary Caldwell, RN, PhD, MBA, and Kathleen A. Dracup, RN, DNSc. This case study raises several troubling issues. A patient was given an inadvertent overdose of diltiazem during a hypotensive episode due to a miscommunication involving two nurses. Intravenous diltiazem can cause bradycardia, hypotension, and reduced myocardial oxygen consumption, all serious side effects in an already unstable patient.Reported error rates for the administration phase of medication procedures are significant, ranging from 26% to 36%. With respect to intravenous medication preparation and administration, the possibilities for error are magnified compared with oral agents. In one large study, the investigators reported an overall error rate of 49% for intravenous medications, with 73% of those errors involving bolus injections. Providers are likely to encounter at least four complications specific to intravenous drug administration. First, the drug can be infused too quickly or too slowly, unlike oral agents, which have only one rate of administration. Second, IV pumps used to control the rate of administration can fail to operate properly or can be set up incorrectly by a nurse. Third, preparation of the drug can lead to error, as when the drug is added to an incompatible solution or mixed using the wrong ratio of drug-to-IV solution. And finally, the medication can be given through the wrong port, such as into the right atrium rather than into a peripheral vein. Intuitively, one might guess that the critical care environment would be the site of more medication-related errors than less acute units. In one study that compared intensive care unit (ICU) with non-ICU medication-related errors, preventable adverse drug events were twice as common in ICUs as in non-ICUs. However, when these data were adjusted for the number of drugs used or ordered , there were no differences between the settings. The fact that the patient-to-nurse ratio in the ICU is usually less than or equal to 2:1, while a single nurse on a medical-surgical unit may be responsible for 5 to 10 patients, may mitigate the risk of drug errors in the critical care setting. The Institute for Safe Medication Practices cites the â€Å"five rights†of medication use (right patient, drug, time, dose, and route) as touchstones to aid in the prevention of errors. In this case, following the five rights may have prevented the overdose. However, one must also recognize that many processes used to prevent errors are more difficult to design and implement in critical care units because of the rapidity with which nurses and physicians must act. Therefore, the basics of safe drug administration practice take on even greater importance. Building in manual redundancies (such as verbal read-backs, similar to those used when administering blood transfusions) may help when there are variances to standard protocol, such as an IV bolus. The high error level documented in IV bolus infusions provides important support for reviewing hospital policies related to their administration. System failures also contributed to the error in this case. If the patient was unstable enough to require a 500 cc bolus of saline, why did the nurse leave the room to check on another patient? Was the staffing inadequate? Workforce issues have been an enormous concern in recent years as nursing shortages reach crisis proportions. Nurses are stretched thin, and the shortage is felt most acutely among specialty nurses. The clinical impact of staffing shortages on increased mortality and ‘failure-to-rescue’ have been noted. A survey conducted by NurseWeek/A-ONE found that 65% of RNs felt the shortage impeded their ability to maintain patient safety. Although specific figures regarding the extent of shortages in critical care are not available, the American Association of Critical Care Nurses states that requests for registry and traveling nurses have increased substantially across the country, with a 45% increase for adult critical care, 50% for Pediatric/Neonatal ICUs, and 140% for Emergency Departments. In the past, most ICUs accepted only experienced nurses (with more than 2 years clinical post-graduate experience) as staff. However, this requirement of previous experience is often waived in times of staff shortages. Although new graduates usually participate in hospital ICU training programs, the learning curves are steep and new nurses may become overwhelmed, leading to errors in communication and execution. A recent Food and Drug Administration (FDA) report listed a number of human factors associated with medication errors. Performance deficit (as opposed to knowledge deficit), such as seen in this case, was the human factor listed most commonly (30%). Poor communications contributed another 16% to total errors. Thus, this case illustrates a common source of errorâ€â€a problem of performance related to poor communication. This case study also provides an opportunity to evaluate mistakes on the personal level. A serious, commonly identified shortcoming of the current medical system is the fear of disclosing errors. When errors occur, the responsible staff member should be an active participant in an evaluative process aimed at preventing similar errors from reoccurring. Results of the evaluation on an individual, unit, and hospital level should be shared with the entire hospital so that similar errors might be prevented in the future. The tradition of morbidity and mortality conferences, used commonly by physicians, has not been adopted by nursing staff and might be an appropriate strategy if it provided a blame-free environment in which mistakes and system level issues could be discussed openly. Specific measures to prevent errors in situations similar to this case might include: Standard policy typically dictates the use of IV pumps on all vasoactive drips. (Because it was not specifically noted in this case study, we are compelled to state the obvious.) Standard policy usually dictates that vasoactive drugs be infused through a site dedicated to only that drug. Therefore, at least one other separate IV site should be used for other fluids and medications. This practice eliminates the need to use the high risk IV and the potential for an inadvertent overdose. More obvious labeling of ‘high risk’ IV drips (eg, bigger, brighter labels; duplicate labeling on IV   bag, pump, monitor). Independent double-checks of bolus fluids by nurses prior to administration. Reevaluation of staffing requirements if a patient becomes unstable so that the patient–nurse ratio can be appropriately adjusted. Participation of nurses as well as physicians in morbidity and mortality conferences. Sometimes the mistakes occur because of inattentiveness of the nurse. By the way, the documents, fulfilled by the nurse, have to be readable and clear not only for the nurse herself, but for the other well-educated staff as well (I mean, the doctors, etc. ). The data’s have to be collected precisely and correctly. But let’s have a look at one of the patients cards, taken from the Hospital. (Pict.1) The information is just not readable, and it is rather difficult to understand, what were the results. This patient’s card look likes an album of the child, but not as a professionally made card of the well-qualified staff. Speaking about this case of the 72 years old woman, it is possible to suggest, that the wrong diagnoses have been done, what approximately lead to the death of the patient. As to the medicines given, it is seen, that not all the medicines needed were given to the patient (at the age of 70 there have to be given some medicines for blood –Heparin and as well some medicines for keeping the heart activity. In this case it looks like that on the base of the cough (probably pneumonia) there was a kind of heart attack (probably cardiac infarction) with the complications as pulmonary edema(or edema of lungs). 1. Bates DW, Cullen DJ, Laird N, et al. Incidence of adverse drug events and potential adverse drug events. Implications for prevention. ADE Prevention Study Group. JAMA. 1995;274:29-34. [ go to pubmed]2. Taxis K, Barber N. Ethnographic study of incidence and severity of intravenous drug errors. BMJ. 2003;326:684. 3. Cullen DJ, Sweitzer BJ, Bates DW, Burdick E, Edmondson A, Leape LL. Preventable adverse drug events in hospitalized patients: a comparative study of intensive care and general care units. Crit Care Med. 1997;25:1289-1297. ]4. Aiken LH, Clarke SP, Sloane DM, Sochalski J, Silber JH. Hospital nurse staffing and patient mortality, nurse burnout, and job dissatisfaction. JAMA. 2002;288:1987-1993. 5. NurseWeek. NurseWeek/A-ONE National Survey of Registered Nurses: NurseWeek/A-ONE; 2002. ]6. Critical Care Nursing Fact Sheet. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. ]7. Phillips J, Beam S, Brinker A, et al. Retrospective analysis of mortalities associated with medication er rors. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2001;58:1835-1841.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Individual Liberty and Social Control essays
Individual Liberty and Social Control essays Individual Liberty and Social Control The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. Daniel Webster said in a speech given in Charleston, South Carolina, May 10, 1847, Liberty exists in proportion to wholesome restraint; the more restraint on others to keep off from us, the more liberty we have. However, Ralph Waldo Emerson made an entry into one of his journals in 1851 which read, The word liberty in the mouth of Mr. Daniel Webster sounds like the word love in the mouth of a courtesan. It would seem that Mr. Webster and Mr. Emerson dont see eye to eye on the topic of liberty. One sees liberty as something to be controlled, the other sees it as something to be left alone. In John Stuart Mills essay, On Liberty, he approaches things from a classical liberalist standpoint, while his conservative opponents take the paternalist view. Like Webster and Emerson, two sides of the same coin, but very different in philosophy nonetheless. The town of Skokie, Illinois has a large Jewish population, including many survivors of the holocaust brought about by the Nazi party occupying Germany and much of Europe during the second World War. The American Nazi Party petitioned the city council of Skokie for permission to march through their streets. As far as the population of Skokie was concerned the American Nazi Party had no business there, and their presence had the potential to be met with violence at the hands of its residents. The ACLU felt differently, they defended the American Nazi Partys right to march, citing past examples of marches such as Pro-Castro Cubans marching in Miami. Should the American Nazi Party have the right to march through Skokie? This question makes debate over how far our first amendment goes, and how far a society with that amendment should be allowed to go to ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Essay on Food
Essay on Food Essay on Food Essay on FoodLike other survival substances, food is really crucial for surviving. From a semiotic point of view, taking food is not only for surviving, but is the part of various culture. When experiencing a Korean Barbeque place which located in Downtown Toronto, names Korean Grill house, it is quite inspiring to do the semiotics analysis about the food experience there. The idea surrounding the dinner experience of Korean Barbeque focuses better on emphasizing the customer’s involvement in preparing the cuisine rather than the concept of pre-prepared restaurant cuisine.           Basically, you are in charged of your own food is the rule for Korean Barbeque. It means that the customer only would get the raw meat from the restaurant and they have to cook their food by using the grill in the centre of the dining table. At this point, the grill, which should be settled in the kitchen but sitting on the dining table, becomes a signifier that si gnified the customer’s involvement in preparing the cuisine.           Based on the scholar article â€Å"Food†written by Marcel Danesi: â€Å"The term that is often used to designate the system of connotation that food evokes is cuisine. Cuisine informs us as to what certain people eat, how they make it, and what it reveals about them.(Danesi, p 194)†By getting involved in the process of cuisine, the customer is interrupting the raw meat with their modality judgments. â€Å"It is interesting to note that when people accept the cuisine of others as not only tasty but as a delicacy, the culture of the food-makers concomitantly takes on greater importance†(Danesi, 2012, p 199) Since customers are in charged of making their own food, they are putting their individual perceive narrative into the food during the progress of roasting the raw meat. The progress that the raw meat is being roasted, in the mean time, it is the t ransformation from natural to cultural. The grill, the raw meat and the idea of letting the customer getting involved into preparing food encode the sign of â€Å"Korean Barbeque†.           Even though customers are in charged of making their own food in Korean Barbeque, it still has differences with buffet restaurant because waiters would help the customer set the grill and bring some small dishes of appetizers, rice as well. During the dining period, waiters also come over to change backing tray for several times. However, compare to what the consumers need to make, waiters don’t get much involved with the dining process. This setting is a code for signifying the status of the costumer that having food in Korean Barbeque. The social language of the whole dining idea is: you won’t get the ready-made food and you need to make your own food. Those signs are sending people a message of Korean Barbeque would not be a luxury food e xperience.           Close association towards Semiotics of Korean Barbeque can be related to sense of smell. Some smoke would be produced during the process of roasting raw meat and the customer would carry the smoke on their clothes or hairs around. According to this specific smell of Korean Barbeque, the customer would build the connotation that could be linked with this particular dining experience. â€Å"No sign make sense on its own but only in relation to other signs. Both signifier and signified are purely relational entities. (Chandler, 2014)†In this case, the smoke turns into a signifier of Korean Barbeque and it signified the dining experience. Both of them are unable to be isolated. Accordingly, the cognition that attached with Korean Barbeque is established in customer’s mind. Whenever the customer smells the smoke, they are able to recall the memory of this food experience from their mind.           The semiotic investigation of the Korean Barbeque place: Korean Grill house makes the idea of how customers getting involvement in preparing cuisine stand out. In conclusion, the grill which sitting in the centre of the dining table; the raw meat which suppose to be cooked in the kitchen but be in charged by consumers; the smoke that be carried around by customers and the different involvements between waiters and consumers are all the components of establishing the sign, which is: Korean Barbeque. In other words, those are codes that encode the Korean Barbeque. Meanwhile, all those different codes have different signifier and signified that are related to each other.
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